Book Of The Month:
Buy and read the book that reveals the tragic facts of America's War On Drugs! bookcover Written by Superior Court Judge James Gray, "Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It" provides the most recent research and facts on the drug war, and sets a plan for what we can all do to end America's drug and crime crisis! Click here for more on Judge James Gray!

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Articles of Interest

Reprinted here for educational purposes


You Have The Right To Remain Silent What you MUST know about your interactions with police.

Dr X A doctor points out how wrong the government is

GlenMartinOpEd Glen Martin's Op Ed

EcstasyBrain Ecstasy on the brain - research makes the DEA furious

Evidence E is for evidence: Basing drugs policy on flawed science helps no one

DrowningEcstasy Drowning in Ecstasy: the dangers of drinking too much water while using MDMA

EcstasyProzac Ecstasy and Prozac: Using Prozac can help minimize ecstacy's side effects

PryingGame Drugs tests in the workplace are increasing on both sides of the Atlantic. But researchers are questioning their relevance . . . and worse, their reliability

Panic Press the panic button - PANIC reigns. Fear overwhelms logical thought.

Chill Let's chill out: Editorial on Marijuana

BitterOpium Book review: "A pint of bitter with the opium, please: Forbidden Drugs" by Philip Robson,

JustSayNoWar Just say no to the War on Drugs - Norman Bauman passes his urine test

Prohibition The highs & lows of prohibition: As drug-related crime soars, so calls to legalise drugs become more vociferous

CannabisBrain Cannabis: the brain's other supplier - Researchers have a discovery they hope will open people's minds to learning more about the chemical's therapeutic properties

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