Book Of The Month:
Buy and read the book that reveals the tragic facts of America's War On Drugs!
Written by Superior Court Judge James Gray,
"Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It"
provides the most recent research and facts on the drug war, and sets a plan for what we can all do to end America's drug and crime crisis!
Click here for more on Judge James Gray!
CLICK HERE For more great books at the Drug Action Network STORE!
Buy and read the book that reveals the tragic facts of America's War On Drugs!

CLICK HERE For more great books at the Drug Action Network STORE!
With the current situation in this country, it's more important than ever to protect your rights when dealing with law enforcement. Read through these links to get a basic understanding - what you learn may surprise you!
Print these out and hand them to friends!
Avoiding Police Stings
If you value your freedom, then it's important to know a few things about police stings so that you don't find yourself accidentally falling into a trap.
You're Guilty Until Proven More Guilty!
A brief introduction to why honest citizens need to be very careful when interacting with law enforcement.
A Basic Guide To Interaction With Police
The basics of what you need to know about dealing with law enforcement - how to act, what to say, and most important, how to protect your rights!
The Right To Remain Silent?
This article is an amazing breakdown of police interrogation tactics. Tragically funny, it's a MUST read!
Legal References on Drug Policy
CCLE : Drug Law Library
Families Against Manditory Minimums
Drug Equivalency Tables
High Times - A Citizen Guide to Drug Laws
Entheo Law
DEA - Controlled Substances Act Information
DEA - Schedules
DEA - Federal Trafficking Penalties
DEA Diversion
US Sentencing Commission Guidelines
US Sentencing Commission Basics