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To help you read and learn, here are several books worth getting...And with our association with Amazon, you get very low prices and easy ordering - plus, Amazon pays the Drug Action Network for every book you buy!

We all need to learn and understand the truth behind the War On Drugs, and spread that information to everyone we know.

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Ending the War on Drugs
By Dirk Chase Eldredge

Eldredge, a former Reagan campaigner and entrepreneur, believes that America's War on Drugs is an utter failure, and he pleads for legalization. Arguing that nothing seems to have been learned from the experiment with Prohibition, he points out the negative impacts of the drug war on crime rates, corruption, prison crowding, public health, civil liberties, and race relations. He proposes that the government sell illicit drugs in a system similar to state liquor stores, with the profits used for treatment and education. He argues that realizing there will always be a market for mind-altering substances will permit us to search for a "good" realistic solution rather than the "perfect" chimera of total interdiction.

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The War on Drugs
the Worst Addiction of All
By Max Hartstein

This book is a re-thinking of the destructive effects of prohibition, the so-called "War On Drugs". It shows the fallacies of our present policies and the impossibility of winning a war in which the government has taken both sides, one overtly and the other covertly. This book also shows the terrible destructive human price that we as a country are paying to sustain this ineffective, cannibalistic and destructive set of punitive laws we now live under. The war on drugs is the contemporary moral equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition, and it is as well a huge multi-billion dollar tax-payer subsidy to organized crime.

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Smoke and Mirrors:
The War On Drugs and the Politics of Failure

By Dan Baum

In a retrospective look at the war on drugs in the United States, journalist Dan Baum calls the nation's drug policy "as expensive, ineffective, delusional and destructive as government gets." He examines the Nixon White House's effort to turn the drug war to political advantage and the Carter Administration's brief flirtation with decriminalizing marijuana. He also details the cover-ups and blunders of some of the biggest drug busts in the country's history. Yet despite the policy's ineffectiveness, at least 85 percent of Americans oppose legalization. Baum sheds light on the reasons for this issue and calls for radical compromise.

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Drug War Politics: The Price of Denial
By Eva Bertram, Morris Blachman, Kenneth Sharpe, and Peter Andreas

The use of illegal drugs should not be treated as a crime, but as a public health problem, argue Eva Bertram, Morris Blachman, Kenneth Sharpe, and Peter Andreas. Though the idea is hardly new, Drug War Politics revitalizes public debate over whether tax dollars are better spent suppressing drugs and pushers or rehabilitating addicts. Through interviews with health-care specialists, law enforcement officials, and drug users, the authors--who constitute a drug policy think-tank--illustrate that America's war on drugs must be revamped before it exacerbates the problem.

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